# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="youtube-dl-gui" COMMIT="a2a0d6fb4907d9282c2f45a00a1e51ce23602421" VERSION="${COMMIT:0:10}" CATEGORY="multimedia" SHORT_DESC="A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython." MAINTAINER="al.bobylev@gmail.com" LICENSE="PublicDomain" WEB_SITE="https://github.com/MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-gui" TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz" WGET_URL="$WEB_SITE/archive/$COMMIT.tar.gz" GENERIC_PIXMAPS="no" DEPENDS="youtube-dl wxpython" BUILD_DEPENDS="wget cacerts wxpython-dev" # What is the latest version available today? current_version() { wget -O - $WEB_SITE/releases 2>/dev/null | \ sed '/archive.*tar/!d;s|.*/v*\(.*\).tar.*|\1|;q' } # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { python setup.py build python setup.py install --root=$install } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/icons/hicolor cp -a $install/usr/lib $fs/usr find $fs -name '*.pyc' -delete for size in 16x16 48x48; do mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$size/apps cp -a $install/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$size/apps/*.png \ $fs/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$size/apps/$PACKAGE.png done }