# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="slitaz-base-files" VERSION="343" CATEGORY="base-system" SHORT_DESC="Linux tree and the necessary files for the base system." MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org" LICENSE="BSD GPL3" TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz" WEB_SITE="http://www.slitaz.org/" WGET_URL="http://hg.slitaz.org/$PACKAGE/archive/$VERSION.tar.gz" HOST_ARCH="i486 arm" DEPENDS="gettext-base" CONFIG_FILES="\ /etc/adduser.conf \ /etc/passwd \ /etc/fstab \ /etc/issue \ /etc/hosts \ /etc/host.conf \ /etc/hostname \ /etc/group \ /etc/daemons.conf \ /etc/nsswitch.conf \ /etc/networks \ /etc/profile \ /etc/securetty \ /etc/services \ /etc/shells \ /etc/motd \ /etc/slitaz-release \ /etc/slitaz/slitaz.conf \ /etc/sysctl.conf" SECRET_FILES="\ /etc/gshadow \ /etc/shadow" current_version() { wget -O - http://hg.slitaz.org/$PACKAGE/ 2>/dev/null | \ sed '/^Changeset/!d;s|.*">|http://hg.slitaz.org/'$PACKAGE'/rev/|;s|<.*||' | \ xargs wget -O - 2>/dev/null | sed '/rev /!d;s|.*rev ||;s| .*||' } # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p \ $fs/bin \ $fs/dev \ $fs/home \ $fs/media/cdrom \ $fs/media/flash \ $fs/media/usbdisk \ $fs/mnt \ $fs/proc \ $fs/root \ $fs/run \ $fs/sbin \ $fs/sys \ $fs/tmp \ $fs/usr/bin \ $fs/usr/games \ $fs/usr/lib \ $fs/usr/sbin \ $fs/usr/share/doc \ $fs/var/cache \ $fs/var/games \ $fs/var/lib \ $fs/var/lock \ $fs/var/log/slitaz \ $fs/var/spool \ $fs/var/tmp \ $fs/var/run # Daemons may store the pid files in /var/run # from 5.0 /var/run is mounted as tmpfs #ln -s /run $fs/var/run # Copy all installed files and set permissions. cp -a $install/* $fs chown -R root.root $fs/* chmod 1777 $fs/tmp chmod 640 $fs/etc/shadow chmod 640 $fs/etc/gshadow chmod 0750 $fs/root # Populate /dev with $fs/sbin/mktazdevs.sh. $fs/sbin/mktazdevs.sh $fs/dev # Create /etc/mtab symlink. cd $fs/etc ln -s /proc/mounts mtab # Fix httphelper link cd $fs/usr/lib/slitaz ln -s httphelper.sh httphelper # Update copyright year grep -rl 'copy; 2' $fs/var/www | xargs \ sed -i "s/copy; [0-9]*/copy; $(date +%Y)/" } # Pre and post install to backup all /etc/settings # pre_install() { for i in passwd shadow group gshadow ; do [ -s /etc/$i ] && cp /etc/$i /etc/$i.orig done [ -x "$1/usr/bin/sudo" ] && mv "$1/usr/bin/sudo" "$1/usr/bin/sudo.orig" # Remove old /var/run symlink [ -h "$1/var/run" ] && rm -f "$1/var/run" : } post_install() { for i in passwd shadow group gshadow ; do [ -s $1/etc/$i.orig ] || continue while read line; do grep -q "^${line%%:*}:" $1/etc/$i.orig || echo "$line" >> $1/etc/$i.orig done < $1/etc/$i mv -f $1/etc/$i.orig $1/etc/$i done [ -x "$1/usr/bin/sudo.orig" ] && mv -f "$1/usr/bin/sudo.orig" "$1/usr/bin/sudo" # Reset permission. chmod 640 "$1/etc/shadow" chmod 640 "$1/etc/gshadow" if ! grep -q audio "$1/etc/group"; then chroot "$1/" /bin/addgroup -g 20 audio fi sed -i "s|content: \"20..\"|content: \"$(date +%Y)\"|" \ $1/usr/share/doc/slitaz-doc.css } pre_remove() { # We can not remove this package! exit 1 }