# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="samba" VERSION="3.6.7" CATEGORY="system-tools" SHORT_DESC="File and print services with SMB/CIFS." MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org" LICENSE="GPL3" TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz" WEB_SITE="https://www.samba.org/" WGET_URL="${WEB_SITE}$PACKAGE/ftp/stable/$TARBALL" TAZPANEL_DAEMON="man|edit::/etc/samba/smb.conf|web::$WEB_SITE" SUGGESTED="gamin cups perl" CONFIG_FILES="/etc/samba" BUGS="Open directory needs MIT kerberos support (krb5)" BUILD_DEPENDS="openldap openldap-dev libcomerr-dev cups-dev talloc-dev \ pkg-config libldap krb5" DEPENDS="libldap samba-common glibc-base ncursesw popt zlib cifs-utils acl \ krb5 libcups" # What is the latest version available today? current_version() { wget -O - ${WGET_URL%/*} 2>/dev/null | \ sed "/latest/d;/$PACKAGE-[0-9]/!d;/tar/!d;s|.*$PACKAGE-\\(.*\\).tar.*\".*|\\1|" | sort -Vr | sed q } # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { patch -p0 < $stuff/CVE-2017-7494.u cd $src/source3 ./configure --prefix=/usr --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --with-piddir=/var/run/samba --with-lockdir=/var/run/samba \ --with-winbind --with-ldap --with-fhs --enable-cups --enable-swat \ --enable-shared-libs --enable-external-libtalloc --with-libtdb \ --with-libsmbsharemodes --with-libsmbclient --without-pam \ --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \ --mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS && make -j1 && make -j1 DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install || return 1 #rm -f $DESTDIR/usr/*bin/*.old #ln -s libwbclient.so $DESTDIR/usr/lib/libwbclient.so.0 } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr cp -a $install/etc $fs cp -a $install/var $fs cp -a $install/usr/lib $fs/usr cp -a $install/usr/sbin $fs/usr cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr cp -a $stuff/etc $fs cat $stuff/*.files-list | while read file; do rm -rf $fs$file done } # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg. post_install() { cat <