# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="glibc-dev" VERSION="2.23" CATEGORY="development" SHORT_DESC="The GNU C libraries devel files (Part of SliTaz toolchain)." MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org" LICENSE="GPL2" WANTED="glibc" WEB_SITE="http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/" DEPENDS="glibc-base" # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. # # This package is part of the toolchain. We use list to mkdir and cp files. # genpkg_rules() { # Mass copy and then remove all files specified in stuff/base-files.list. # We get the files from glibc-base. Locale files are in: glibc-locale. cp -a $install/* $fs # Rm base files. echo -n "Removing all base files..." for file in `cat $WOK/glibc-base/taz/glibc-base-$VERSION/files.list` do rm -f ${fs}$file done rm -rf $fs/etc rm -rf $fs/usr/share status # Rm locale. echo -n "Removing all locale files..." for file in `cat $WOK/glibc-locale/taz/glibc-locale-$VERSION/files.list` do rm -f ${fs}$file done rm -rf $fs/usr/lib/gconv status }