# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="audacious-plugins" VERSION="4.1" CATEGORY="multimedia" SHORT_DESC="Plugins for audacious music player." MAINTAINER="mimas@slitaz.org" LICENSE="MIT" WEB_SITE="https://audacious-media-player.org/" TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.bz2" WGET_URL="https://distfiles.audacious-media-player.org/$TARBALL" SUGGESTED="lame libmms neon" DEPENDS="alsa-lib curl dbus-glib faad2 flac gcc83-lib-base gtk+ libav libcdio libcomerr3 libmad libogg libsndfile libvorbis libxml2 mpg123 neon taglib wavpack" BUILD_DEPENDS="alsa-lib-dev audacious-dev audacious curl-dev dbus-glib-dev faad2-dev flac-dev gcc83 gtk+-dev lame-dev libav-dev libmad-dev libmcs-dev libmowgli-dev libogg-dev libsamplerate-dev libvorbis-dev libxml2-dev mesa-dev mpg123-dev neon-dev wavpack-dev" # What is the latest version available today? current_version() { wget -O - $(dirname $WGET_URL) 2>/dev/null | \ sed "/beta/d;/$PACKAGE-[0-9]/!d;/tar/!d;s|.*$PACKAGE-\\(.*\\).tar.*\".*|\\1|" | sort -Vr | sed q } # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { # sed -i "s/touch -t 0001010000 /touch /g" configure #XML_CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/libxml2 # 4.1 --disable-qt because else Qt5 is required ./configure \ CC=gcc-83 \ CXX=g++-83 \ --prefix=/usr \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --disable-bluetooth \ --disable-esd \ --disable-evdevplug \ --disable-ffaudio \ --with-ffmpeg=none \ --disable-icecast \ --disable-jack \ --disable-lirc \ --disable-mtp_up \ --disable-paranormal \ --disable-projectm \ --disable-projectm-1.0 \ --disable-pulse \ --disable-qt \ --disable-rocklight \ --disable-sse2 \ --disable-timidity \ --enable-chardet \ $CONFIGURE_ARGS && make && make install DESTDIR=$DESTDIR } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { cook_copy_folders lib # 4.1 moved to package audacious-lang # Set list of wanted locales in LOCALE_PACK # . $WOK/slitaz-i18n/stuff/locale-pack.conf # Copy message files in wanted languages, if available # for locale in $LOCALE_PACK # do # [ -d $install/usr/share/locale/$locale ] || continue # mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/locale # cp -a $install/usr/share/locale/$locale $fs/usr/share/locale # done }