# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="vym" VERSION="1.12.7" CATEGORY="utilities" SHORT_DESC="A mindmapping tool" MAINTAINER="rocky@slitaz.org" DEPENDS="libQtCore libQtNetwork libQtXml libQtSql libQtGui libQt3Support zip" BUILD_DEPENDS="qmake Qt4-dev" TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.bz2" WEB_SITE="http://www.insilmaril.de/vym/" WGET_URL="$SF_MIRROR/vym/$TARBALL" # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { cd $src echo $src qmake PREFIX=/usr && make && make INSTALL_ROOT=$PWD/_pkg install } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin $fs/usr cp -a $_pkg/usr/share $fs/usr cp $_pkg/usr/share/vym/icons/vym.png $fs/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ rm -rf $fs/usr/share/vym/lang }