# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="ovz-web-panel" VERSION="1.7" CATEGORY="network" SHORT_DESC="GUI web-based frontend for OpenVZ" MAINTAINER="erjo@slitaz.org" DEPENDS="ruby-enterprise sqlite3-ruby" TARBALL="${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tgz" WEB_SITE="http://code.google.com/p/ovz-web-panel/" WGET_URL="http://ovz-web-panel.googlecode.com/files/$TARBALL" # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { cd $src # Apply patches while read patch_file; do if [ -f done.$patch_file ]; then echo "Skipping $patch_file" continue fi echo "Apply $patch_file" patch -p1 < $stuff/$patch_file || return 1 touch done.$patch_file done <<EOT owp-${VERSION}.u EOT mkdir _pkg mv * _pkg 2> /dev/null || true } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr/share \ $fs/etc cp -a $_pkg $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE cp -a $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/config/owp.conf.sample $fs/etc/owp.conf cp -a $fs/usr/share//$PACKAGE/utils/hw-daemon/hw-daemon.ini.sample $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/utils/hw-daemon/hw-daemon.ini # Set secret key sed -i 's/secret/2918b7aafc1f5f753ee232a7e7f78175/' \ $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/utils/hw-daemon/hw-daemon.ini # Set program homedir sed -i 's!/opt!/usr/share!' $fs/etc/owp.conf # Fix perms chmod 755 $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/script/owp # Cleaning. rm -f $fs/usr/share/$PACKAGE/done.*.u } post_install() { echo "Processing post-install commands..." chroot "$1/" ln -s /usr/share/$PACKAGE/script/owp /etc/init.d/owp } clean_wok() { [ -d $PACKAGE ] && rm -rf $PACKAGE }