# Example configuration for fswebcam # [2006-09-05: phil@firestorm.cx] # USAGE: fswebcam -c /etc/fswebcam.conf # Be very quiet... quiet # Or be very loud? #verbose # The image source - In this case we are capturing frames from a TV channel device "v4l2:/dev/video0" input 0 #loop 10 skip 2 # Skip the first two frames. frames 1 # And capture one. #background palette YUV420P #palette YUYV #palette MJPEG frequency 670.90 resolution 640x480 #resolution 768x576 set brightness=60% set contrast=13% # Scale the image down to half it's size. #scale 384x288 top-banner font "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf" title "My Webcam" timestamp "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S (%Z)" jpeg 95 save /home/tux/Images/viewcam.jpg # Load an overlay image. This is placed above everything, including the banner. #overlay "/home/user/outline.png"