# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="coreutils" VERSION="8.12" CATEGORY="system-tools" SHORT_DESC="Utilities for using and setting the basic system." MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org" TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.xz" WEB_SITE="http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/" WGET_URL="ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/$PACKAGE/$TARBALL" DEPENDS="glibc-base gmp libcap" BUILD_DEPENDS="slitaz-toolchain libcap-dev gmp-dev m4 autoconf automake" # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { cd $src # NOTE: There does not seem to be a problem with sigcontext.h in Linux # Hack to fix ls: expected specifier-qualifier-list before '__u64' # Hack to change uname: so can see the cpu type your running on with uname while read patch_file; do if [ -f done.$patch_file ]; then echo "Skipping $patch_file" continue fi echo "Apply $patch_file" patch -p1 < $stuff/$patch_file || return 1 touch done.$patch_file done <<EOT ls.u uname.u EOT sed -i 's/1.10a/1.10.2/' configure.ac || return 1 sed -i 's/dist-xz/dist-lzma/' configure.ac || return 1 ./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS && make && make install # Restore original sigcontext.h # mv -f /usr/include/asm/sigcontext.h.bak /usr/include/asm/sigcontext.h } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. # # This is a special package for installed system or developer. We only take # a fiew things, Busybox provide all the basic utilitie, but not for compiling. # But DO NOT ecrase a Busybox applet, remove it before with pre_install rules. # genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin # Utils... cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/base64 $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/csplit $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/factor $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/fmt $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/join $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/od $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/paste $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/ptx $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/shred $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/shuf $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/split $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/users $fs/usr/bin cp -a $_pkg/usr/bin/groups $fs/usr/bin } # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg. # We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing. # pre_install() { local root root=$1 echo "Processing pre-install commands..." echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... " rm -f $root/usr/bin/od $root/usr/bin/split status } post_remove() { ln -s /bin/busybox $1/usr/bin/od ln -s /bin/busybox $1/usr/bin/split } clean_wok() { rm -rf $WOK/$PACKAGE-*/taz rm -rf $WOK/$PACKAGE-*/process.log }