Fusecloop is FUSE mounter for compressed loop images. These images can be found on Knoppix and Knoppix like CD's such as DSL. About SliTaz patch : 1- Add transparent support for accelerated knoppix, V0, V1 and V2 (current) format. 2- Add new V3 format to build huge cloop images. * The index is compressed and uses 32 bits lengths instead of 64 bits offsets. * The length msb is set to mark a duplicate block and the remining bits give the block number. * The index is moved to the file end. The cloop creation tool holds the index in memory instead of the datas. This reduces memory needs by 5000. $ genisoimage -R myDVD/ | create_compressed_fs 131072 > myDVD.cloop 3- Any format cloop can be converted to V2 format for knoppix compatibility. $ extract_compressed_fs myDVD.cloop --convert-to-v2 > myDVDinV2.cloop create_compressed_fs and extract_compressed_fs are available here: http://cook.slitaz.org/cooker.cgi?files=cloop-utils